HealthLink360 Travel Clinic and Psychological Healthcare

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Looking after your mental health during lockdown: Part 2

by Chris Dunkerley

  • Limit your consumption of info about the crisis. That means news sites, social media and television news. Beyond a basic knowledge, how much you know about this can stress you out and feed your fears. Try boxing your consumption into one 20-minute slot each day.

  • Don’t ruminate on it. Rumination shows up in nearly every mental health disorder. The trick is to notice that the thoughts (fears, facts, rumours etc.) are there in your head, but to refuse to engage with them. They’re like buses that come and go; notice them, but focus on the beautiful world around you.

  • Use this time to invest in what really matters: children, spouse, faith. No one said on their deathbed “I wish I’d spent more time working/cleaning/washing’ things.” Of course, some things need to be done. But this is a golden opportunity to invest well.

  • Be creative: write, draw, sew, make music. Creativity is an important part of resilience.

  • Lots of time and 1,000 things you could do? Ask someone to help you plan your day.