New Service: Health Screening Plus (HS+)

At HealthLink360, it is our mission to care for those who care for others, whether that be globally or locally. To make sure our services remain relevant, we work hard to identify and develop services that address the very real and current needs of those working and serving in compassion driven roles.  

With this in mind, we are very excited to announce the launch of Health Screening Plus (HS+). This new service addresses a growing need for pre-assignment health services that can be carried out remotely rather than in person at a clinic.  

Let us tell you a bit more about it... 

Who is HS+ for?  

HS+ is designed for those undertaking overseas assignments which are 1-2 years in length, clients with more complex/multiple health issues (even if the expected trip is less than a year) or for those taking on a role where multiple short overseas trips are expected within a 1-2- year timeframe.  

Our existing ‘Health Screening’ service, designed for those undertaking overseas assignment of up to 12 months in length, continues.  

What is included in HS+? 

HS+ includes a health questionnaire plus a clinician phone or video assessment as standard. In addition to completing the health questionnaire, clients will be asked to send copies of any health records they have access to such as GP summaries, hospital letters and test results. This information will be reviewed by the clinician during their assessment.   

As part of the clinician assessment health promotion advice will also be provided to the client related to any relevant health issues such as; current or previous health conditions, medications, mental health, lifestyle changes. There is also the option to add in a wellbeing assessment, for an additional fee, if this is requested by the agency or recommended by the clinician. 

What’s not included in HS+? 

HS+ does not include physical examination or additional investigations. If further questions remain about a client’s health that require an in-person assessment, then the clinician will advise them to attend their local doctor or specialist (as appropriate). Any costs incurred will not be covered by Healthlink360.  

HS+ does not include advice regarding vaccinations or antimalarials. Clients are responsible for booking their own in-person travel consultation at a local travel clinic at least 8 weeks prior to any planned travel overseas. Any costs incurred will not be covered by Healthlink360.  

(HealthLink360 offers in-person travel consultations for those in commuting distance of East Lothian - a separate booking and payment is required). 

Due to indemnity restrictions, clients will NOT be able to use this service if they are either citizens of USA or Canada, or currently resident in USA or Canada.  

Does HS+ result in a report? 

Yes, a summary report is provided to the individual and, following their consent, to the referring agency. The report includes: 

  • A summary of the types of information reviewed (e.g. test results / GP summary / specialist letter)  

  • A note of any medical issues for the sending agency to be aware of and any factors that the agency should take into consideration regarding the location of type of assignment. 

  • The outcome of a Wellbeing Assessment, where this has been carried out. 

  • Conclusion and health recommendation for the overseas placement. 

If you would like to find out more about this new service or discuss how we can best assist you and your team, please contact or call 0131 653 6767.  

Ruth Punna